Nano Learning allows itself only a fraction of a second to grab the attention of a learner wherever they might be, captivate them and efficiently deliver its content. Learners should be left with a desire to come back for more.
The best content on TikTok begins with some sort of humor or a mind-blowing fact, and the best Tweets attract their readers with a short insight. These platforms strengthen both their creators and their learners through their limited content, forcing them to quickly reach a certain goal. Tweets cannot be longer than 240 characters and TikTok videos cannot be longer than 60 seconds.
Similar to that, the departing world of long courses and videos influences the fact that corporational trainers have a limited amount of time to bring their learners to their point – or they might be at risk of being completely insignificant. Despite being of limited duration, these strings of content are consumed almost at once.
Fewer obstacles for learners mean fewer obstacles for their trainers. Content is easier to read and access and because of that it is easier to create and deliver. The subjects are more relevant and more focused than ever before.
- The advantages of the Nano Learning methodology
- Short video-based educations no longer than a couple of minutes
- A bigger percentage of participation because of shorter lessons
- Longer lessons are split into smaller chunks
- It checks the knowledge level after the learning process
- It motivates the educators to set, monitor and measure the goals of learning
It costs nothing to inform yourselves, be a part of the club od future?
Grab time!
What is Nano learning?
- Why and how it was created
- Advantages of this type of learning
- Rules of nano learning
How to apply Nano learning in the organization?
- Prerequisites for application
- Methods of monitoring and improvement
How to prepare materials for Nano Learning?
- Content selection
- Script, direction, recording, editing
- Psychological aspect
Where can nano learning be applied in the company?
- Implementation of procedures
- On-boarding process
- Training for new products
- All other trainings
How to form a team for the preparation of materials?
- The format allows for easy preparation
- Every manager can be a creator
- The team leader does not have to be an expert in video production
How to find people to implement Nano Learning in the company?
- Necessary knowledge and skills
- Personal characteristics
- Method of engagement
- Why top experts are not needed
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