Learnio is a both mobile and web, multimedia platform whose purpose lies within everyday education and in. The platform can be implemented in all sorts of organizations where a constant need for day-to-day education is required. It does not require any IT knowledge and can be used any time and anywhere.
The app allows for the creation of a database containing multimedia content and the digitalization of operative processes in which the given organization is not dependent on an individual person.
For everyone who needs to learn something
For all educators and supervisors
For managers and
the board
Learnio is a solution whose purpose is intended for the education of employees of all levels. It enables the transfer of different knowledges and skills from managers to their deputies and subordinates with an obligatory check-up of the adopted intel, followed by a complete preview of the analytics and metrics shown in real-time with automatically generated reports.
Anyone can be a learner and an educator, i.e., anyone can learn and transfer knowledge.
Learnio solves these obstacles in an innovative, modern and unique way because it was carefully developed through an intensive cooperation with the leading HR and Training experts from the region as well as around the world. The process itself took 4 years plus 2 years of testing until the release of the final version.
Learnio was created as a solution to the recognized and frequent challenges that are faced in every line of work. We are witnessing the difficulty of finding appropriate personnel, the problems of training them for a specific job position and something very important, the challenge of holding on to them.
To continue our previous explanation of Learnio’s purpose we have to mention the changing nature of people’s habits. We are also witnesses to the small number of people who are prepared to read extensive procedures and guides that are work-related with Youtube, Intagram, Tic Toc or the other online tutorials.
Employees, being hard to find as it is, are looking for employers who are keeping up with modern trends and are simplifying the very process of working. We can all agree on the fact that the times we are living and working in are asking for our adjustment to such a reality and our engagement in that process is of utmost importance.
A quicker and a simpler completion of the necessary educations and the ability of progress tracking
It invokes proactivity and responsibility of the management and the executives
Anyone can be trained
It ensures a better individual and intersectoral cooperation and a mutual understanding
Learning is possible at any place, at any time
Can be used externally
Skills, knowledge and experiences remain inside the company
Everything is measurable in real time
It saves time, money, more economically profitable, eco-friendly
It minimizes the risk of human error in the process of work
Simple and easy way to publish educations.
Uploading videos from databases (both internal and external), the option to add quick and live videos, everyone gets an education for themselves.
A straightforward implementation of mentorship programs.
Saves time, no man is left for themselves nor to the next available person, a completely progressive way of knowledge and skill transfer.
The identification of successful methods.
Their easier detection as well as the detection of the places where they can be cloned.
The certainty that the user watched andlearned the given material in an appropriate time period.
The check-ups of knowledge, questions, answers, correction learning without fast forwarding, notifications, scores-points.
Feedbacks to the educators.
What improvements can be done to the material, monitoring educations qualities, the proactiveness of the educators.
Winning scores-points.
A reward for an achievement, additional motivation, the gratitude of the company.
A complete insight into the activities and the results.
Everything is measurable at the level of users, educations, departments/offices/sectors, jobs, companies.
The automatic creation of reports.
For every analytic, Learnio generates a report on its own and also adds the possibility of the creation of a report on command.
Enables a greater cooperation between managements.
A greater cross-sectoral understanding and collaboration.
The graph positions of each and every employee.
Everyone always sees themselves in relation to other people.
Leads the management team towards proactivity and responsibility.
Measurable management activities.
01 Choose an education you wish to start
02 Click the ‘Start’ button and watch the education
03 Complete the test – Answer the questions
04 In case of failure, review the education immediately or later
05 Leave feedback regarding the education you completed
01 Click the tab Educations
02 Add/Record one or more videos
03 Add the test questions and their answers
04 Add a description and a picture
05 Add rewards if desired
06 Set deadline date
On the level of:
01 Companies
02 Educations
03 Users
04 Notifications
05 Analytics
06 Departments
07 Jobs
A more effective and efficient onboarding process
A digitalized way of introducing a fresh employee into the job through a modern system.
A greater efficiency of meetings and feedbacks
A quicker and better way of presenting instructions and tasks
There is no delay in the start of complex projects
It starts quickly and easily, step by step
Quick, easy and simple to use
The technologies applied are used by Facebook, Instagram and TikTok
The knowledge, skills and experiences stay within the company
Not dependent on an individual and his/her stay i.e. their absence or their withdrawal from the company
Can be used internally and externally
Convenient for employees, buyers, suppliers, partners
Anyone can be trained
Technological foreknowledge is not needed.
Learning is possible at any given moment at any given place
At work, at home, in transport, with a cup of coffee…
AIM Concept is the exclusive distributor of the software solution Learnio and a brand whose goal is the development and placement of applications based on the Nano learning methodology and the provision of training in the field of Nano learning systems for application in various spheres of business.